
School travel plans

There is more traffic congestion and pollution on our roads than ever before, as a result of this fewer children are walking to school  are less healthy. We are encouraging more children to walk by making the routes safer on the way to and from school. The Council has introduced 20mph speed limit and has appointed Road Safety and Active Travel Liaison Officers to assist schools in writing their travel action plans.

All schools in Edinburgh should have a School Travel Plan to help us work together to address:


  • lack of suitable infrastructure to enable your child to walk, scoot or cycle to school
  • traffic congestion or parking problems around the school
  • pollution at the school gates 
  • overall safety on your child's route to school

We ask parents, pupils and teachers how the routes to school could be improved to encourage active travel and this is all written down and signed off by the Road Safety Team and the School. We can aim to address a wide range of issues from upgrading crossing points to running campaigns in school to support walking and cycling. Please contact us for more information.

Contact Us

Should you have any further queries on the projects above, please contact us at the following email.