
Fatal Collisions

Fatal collisions

There is an agreed process in place whereby a member of the Road Safety team attends a site meeting with Police Scotland following any traffic collision that results in a fatality (or where injuries sustained are likely to prove fatal).  The timing of the meeting is determined by the Police and this can vary, depending on the progress of their investigations into the collision and whether this is likely to be referred to the Procurator Fiscal.

At this meeting, the circumstances of the collision are reviewed, and consideration given as to whether any changes should be made to the road infrastructure in response.  In many cases, it is decided that the road layout was not a contributory factor to the collision and that no changes or improvements are required.

If it is decided that changes to the road infrastructure are necessary, the agreed changes are delivered as part of the Council’s Road Safety programme.  The timescale for delivery of the changes can vary considerably, depending on their nature and scope.

Given the numbers of serious injury collisions occurring in the city every year, it is not practical to undertake a similar process for each of these collisions.  However, site meetings are occasionally held, at the request of the Police, to discuss certain serious collisions.