
Speed management

40mph speed limit review

The Council 's Local Transport Strategy outlined two policy measure. These were :

  •  Policy Safe 5 - ‘The Council will proceed with a programme of reducing speed limits on the urban road network that are currently 40mph to 30mph, combined with road markings and physical measures (eg pedestrian islands, cycle lanes) aimed at encouraging motorists to drive more slowly’.
  • Policy Safe 6 - ‘On roads with no urban frontage, speed limits of 40mph or higher will generally be applied’.

Following the completion of the rollout of the citywide 20mph network, a review has been undertaken of all 40mph roads within the City of Edinburgh Council’s boundary to consider the potential to reduce their speed limits to 30mph. This review also aims to further the Council’s ambitions to create environments that encourage active travel and to provide a road network that is safe for all road users. This review was reported to The City of Edinburgh Council's Transport and Environment Committee on 27 February 2020. View the Transport and Environment Committee report. 

More information will be provided as this review progresses.