
Park Smart

Park Smart - week 2

In the second week the banner should be displayed at the gate.  As the pledge has been sent home and signed, parents will already know why it is there.

We will also endeavour to have increased visits from the parking attendants in the second week and tickets will be issued to anyone parking on the yellow lines.

Keep up the energy this week with competitions and activities such as:

  • Poster Competitions
  • T shirt design competitio
  • Poetry competition
  • Make a short news report using iPads or a camcorder - we will send you a link to upload these on request
  • Visit the classrooms or have an assembly to let everyone know how the campaign in going, and especially to let everyone know that the Parking Attendants will visit the school to make sure no-one is still parking on the yellow lines
  • Write an article for your website - do let us know about this too!